Monday, October 8, 2007

The Wheel of Fortune - Card 10

When this card appears in your spread upright its like winning the Tarot Lotto! I love this card! It's meaning is rich in all things positive and great! When this card appears you can bet things are going to turn out great, success will be yours, and what you hope will manifest...

In a love reading this card can mean there is a strong spiritual connection and the relationship will, depending on surrounding cards grow and prosper!

As far as reversed meanings go I don't feel there are any as this card is a very very fortunate one, however to me it just shows a small delay in outcome of what we hope or as asking...


General Meanings

Upright Meanings

  • Good Luck
  • Good Fortune
  • Effortless Success
  • Success in General
  • Positive Change
  • Unexpected winnings
  • Success in exams
  • Promotions
  • Unexpected wealth
  • Spiritual Ties in relationships
  • Fate


If your reading is in relation to ....


Take a chance as things are going to turn in your favor! A promotion or new job is on the way! If you are worried about losing your job, don't be ..! Things are safe and will only get better!


This card appears when its time to take a chance! Invest in stocks or bonds, sell them, buy them, whatever you are thinking about just do it! IT will succeed! It's also time to start that new business you are thinking about!


It's time to take a chance and make some effort! If you are single, get out, be more new people....your soulmate is on the way! If you are married, spice things up a bit and spend more quality time with your partner! If you are asking about a current relationship with the cards, its also saying, things will work out... but make more effort to get things back on track! You can't go wrong.

Friday, October 5, 2007

In the news...Anna Nicole Smith

Some clients have recently asked me what I think of the whole Anna Nicole Smith mess...encouraging me to write about it when I got time.

I have found it interesting to see the outcome of the whole Anna Nicole Smith disaster since her death last year....I had read Anna Nicole's cards over 2 years ago and have to say I never seen her death coming. I did see disaster around her as far as her son, however that being said I did see her enslavement for lack of a better word to Howard K Stern. I think that's the only word I can come up with at the moment ... I don't actually mean that she was his slave, however from what I seen on the cards, he did have her trapped and controlled. Her laziness was her downfall as she hated having to do anything herself, so she relied on others too heavily, hence this allowed Howard K Stern to 'trap' her so to speak.  The energy that I pick up around this man is dark and pretty negative...toxic I feel is a better word. It's my own opinion that in the beginning he had made her many false promises of gaining the inheritance of her late husband. Which I knew she would never see...and neither will her daughter. They will not win the fight for that money.  I also picked up from the past cards around Anna Nicole that she had been a source of manipulation in the past as well, even though I do feel sorry for her due to her bad state of affairs and pitiful existence she had set herself up for this huge huge fall. Karma also does play a role in outcomes in our lives and the fact reported by her husbands associates and nurses that she had so badly mistreated her dying husband at times came back harshly to attack her.  When I heard the news that Larry Birkhead claimed to be the father I instantly knew it to be true. I never for a split second believed it to be Howard K Stern. I also knew that Larry Birkhead would end up pawning this poor child off onto the covers of any magazine he could and that he would end up in tie with Howard K Stern. I would also like to note that in the cards I have drawn in regards to Howard K Sterns lawsuit against Rita Cosby and her Publisher, he won't succeed. I don't see him winning this case, even though I'm sure this money hungry creep would like nothing more, he won't. I don't feel that anyone will pay for the death of her son either, but I do personally believe that Stern again was a factor in this boy having drugs in his system. I remember seeing on the news sometime back how Howard K stern made a statement how he wouldn't leave Anna and Daniel in the Bahamas' ... This isn't because he feels some attachment to them and doesn't want to leave them alone, it's a ploy to manipulate the media into thinking he is genuine in his mourning status. I don't buy this at all. My skin crawls when I see pictures of this man, his eyes have a dark bad glaring energy.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Hermit - Card 9

This card comes up for me often when reading people with commitment issues but it's also a card that signifies a time to withdraw, learn and reflect. It can also mean a time to dwell on our own spiritual path or a time for advancement in learning and education. This card sometimes can mean to be cautious however I rarely see that message with the card. The card usually is depicted by an old man at the front of a cave, about to withdraw into it to learn and focus on inner talents and issues. In the Celtic Dragon Deck its pictured by a dragon at the mouth of a cave, reading a book withdrawn to take in knowledge and learn what to do next.  As I said this card comes up a lot with people who are having commitment issues, I think this is a personal interpretation as I have never seen anyone else view the card this way. But it usually is very on track when it does show up in this type of reading. If I'm reading someone who doesn't make much effort in a relationship or has commitment issues the hermit comes up for me...To me it signifies someone who withdraws rather than puts himself/herself on the line. Will not open up emotionally very easily and doesn't like to talk about how he/she feels or what they really want. It also for me signifies a person who can go quiet for days, weeks or months without contact and then pop up out of the blue for no explainable reason. I also see this card as representing someone who doesn't make the first move in a relationship unless they are 100% sure its what they want, they can be hot one minutes and then cold the next.


General Upright Meanings

  • Be Cautious and careful make wise choices.
  • Take the safe bet/Choice don't take risks at this time.
  • Learning.
  • Education.
  • Withdrawing - Taking time out to learn or focus on yourself.
  • Someone who doesn't jump the gun or make sudden moves. Tends to withdraw rather than open up and talk about how they feel - Someone who goes quiet for no reason and then makes contact when they feel they are ready.

 General Reversed Meanings

  • Refusing to learn from past mistakes
  • Lack of Knowledge
  • Withdrawing from a situation you need to face.
  • Failure to pass a test or exam due to lack of prep/study.
  • Not facing responsibility
  • Not finishing what you start
  • Projects started then left unfinished and this is a block to your success and advancement.


If this card appears in your.....

Finance sector

Focus on saving, learning how to save or invest. Don't waste the money you have. If you are asking if money is coming your way, the answer is yes but don't waste it as it is too hard to get.


Love/Romance Sector

You may need to retreat to work out what you want. If this card appears in relation to a man, it usually means they are withdrawn and find it hard to open up about how they really feel. This card does mean that things will work out, but for now, retreat, back off and let things develop on their own.


Health Sector

Focus on your health issues and try and work out where they are coming from.  Are they self inflicted? If so work out how to banish the habits that cause them.


 Career Sector

Success is within your reach! Step back, analyze and will see what needs to be done. You need to withdraw a little to work out what path to take and how to solve the problem that faces you. You will succeed.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Tarot Card Meanings - Strength - Card 8

The image of a beautiful woman taming and embracing a strong robust lion conjures up images of inner strength and power and this is exactly what The Strength card signifies. When this card makes it's appearance in a spread we are reassured that we have the power and might to overcome all that hinders us, be in emotional, financial, romantic or physical.  This card's core meaning is courage and the power we muster that comes from it. It can also mean energy and protection, justice and mercy. I see this card a lot in love readings, reversed usually it indicates to me someone who is so hurt and wounded by the actions of their lover that they no longer feel they can go on. This card always shows up reversed when I read someone who has been the victim of emotional abuse by the one person they love. It saddens me deeply that how others treat us and how their words impact us so harshly that we start to believe we aren't worthy of love or 'their love' and this can be emotionally devastating. The strength card reversed in regards to love spreads usually indicates we have fear of loss, fear of not being loved back and its draining our emotional energy's. When this card is upright it is telling us that no matter what life throws our way we can deal with it, handle it and overcome it with success no matter how down and out we may be! This card shows us that we have the power to overcome all that hinders us, so when you see this card appear in your readings, take heart as its saying what you hope to achieve, and what you want is within your reach and you have the power to take it and make it happen regardless of how you feel now! In regards to career this card indicates you are coming into a time of success and power, possible promotions or raises are coming and you are in the drivers seat! In regards to money this card brings the message in our readings that you will find a way to pay off those debts faster than you hope, debts are repaid, you get out of debt, finances become strong and a financial break through is on the way, if you are asking if money is coming...yes it is! It may also show you buying or selling a house or property soon or within the upcoming months ahead. As far as health and healing, this card indicates a time of healing taking place, serious illnesses are overcome, healing takes place and your health is restored. If this card is reversed, it is saying, slow down, rest, rejuvenate!




Basic Meanings


  • Courage
  • Debts repaid/paid off
  • Finances become stronger
  • Money Saved
  • Increase financially
  • Strength - Inner and physical
  • Overcoming problems by drawing on our inner courage and strength
  • Love
  • Mercy
  • Compassion
  • Power
  • Self help
  • Empowerment
  • Healing
  • Health
  • Overcoming health problems




  • Power misused or abused
  • Lack of will power
  • Feelings of not being good enough
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Gossip
  • Using other people by abusing their vulnerabilities
  • Lack of energy
  • Fear
  • Losing energy from lack of focus or no direction in life
  • Emotional pain from a break up or divorce
  • Past hurt that lingers and drains emotional strength
  • Victim of domestic abuse or emotional abuse

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tarot - The Chariot

This card is a fast action get ready to move and get things done card! It's highly symbolic of traveling and can mean an upcoming trip, new car or things finally shifting into gear and happening. It's a very positive card to have arrive in your spread! If you have been stuck in a rut and this card appears it signifies things really starting to move and you will soon be back on track! If this card manifests in when you are looking into a work related problem it's showing you success is on the way in either a promotion or raise, increase and favor in your work place. Success is yours! If you are asking about love, things are on a good path and look to work out as you hope! In regards to health, healing will take place! This card indicates speed and things moving along fast to manifest your goals and dreams. However if surrounded by swords, it can indicate a time for you to slow down and relax...smell the roses! If surrounded by cups or wands, good luck in Love is coming your way and if surrounded by more pentacles than other cards, financial good luck and prosperity is in your future!



Basic Meanings


  • Overcoming problems or trouble
  • Finally getting a break in life after a string of bad luck
  • Victory
  • Success
  • Reaching your goals quickly and easily
  • Your hopes and dreams coming to fruition
  • Travel
  • Cars & Driving
  • Overcoming a problem that has been a long term problem
  • Healing
  • Success in business, exams, and tests



  • Success delayed but still coming
  • A problem soon to be overcome after some delay
  • Delay in success or reaching goals
  • A feeling of being stuck or in a rut
  • Envy

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Are we Soul mates? - How to tell if you have a spiritual tie.


I'm asked daily in my practice by clients if they are soul mates with the person they are seeking answers about. I would like to clear up some misconceptions about the term soul mates and what a true spiritual tie can mean. I would like to point out that the terms soul mates and twin flames do tend to be thrown around a lot by people the same way 'best friends' can be. It isn't always an accurate way to describe someone.

At times in our lives we may feel a strong connection to a person that we just can't explain, usually also there is an instant attraction or 'love at first sight' syndrome as they say. However also I have seen many times people who have been close friends for many years suddenly developing an overwhelming attraction that they can't deny. In either case this shows strong signs of a true spiritual connection. Sometimes we want to believe that someone is our true soul mate and they will never be replaced. In some cases yes this is true however generally we do have more than one soul mate in a lifetime. Sadly sometimes during a reading clients are told what they 'hope' to hear that they are soul mates and a fairytale romance will soon develop from the ashes and you both will be happy for eternity. Sometimes this may be true other times it's not. It's a hard thing for a reader to be upfront and honest with a client when things don't look so positive but in the long run it will be a healing thing rather than a painful one. I have to tell clients everyday in my practice things they don't want to hear such as he isn't coming back, he/she has someone else and it's time to move on. I promise you even though it does hurt today the pain will banish and someone right will come your way.


How To Tell

Sure signs of a soul connection

  • Quickly bonding and connecting
  • Getting a feeling that the two of you can't be apart without this feeling fading or lessoning over time
  • Dreaming about a person before meeting them
  • Being in tune with the other person on a psychic level - feeling a sense of intuition with the other person
  • Feeling a connection at times even if you aren't sure why
  • Having a sense of nervousness when away from the other person for extended periods of time


Signs it's not a strong spiritual connection

  • Lack of communication that drags out and is hard to re-establish
  • The other person shows interest in more than one person at a time
  • The other person has no problem ignoring contact or keeping distance when things go wrong
  • You get a sense of the other person being cold or cruel to you at times
  • They tend to ignore you when you need them most
  • They are self centered and focus purely on themselves


Blessed Be!

Psychic Sensational!

Tarot - The Lovers (6)

This card is one of my all time favorites. Many people love seeing this card appear in a spread. Of course when we see this card we automatically think of love, romance, marriage and a happy future. But it can mean more than that depending on what we are focusing on. It can also mean self love and healing. In the Celtic Dragon deck it is symbolized by two beautiful dragons, one in the water, a water dragon who cannot live on land and a land dragon, who is leaning over the edge of the river bank to embrace the water dragon with love. It symbolizes that anything is possible with love and the two dragons have found a way to be together under hard circumstances. This tells us that real love survives, and thrives under any circumstance. Don't give up hope as love will overcome all.


I will talk about this card for both singles and couples!


Basic Meanings:



  • Love
  • Harmony
  • Union
  • Marriage
  • Commitment
  • Decisions to be made in regards to love or a relationship
  • Self Love
  • A reconciliation with an ex lover usually within a quick timeframe



  • A time of struggle then healing in a relationship or if you are single a time after a break up to heal and recover
  • A reconciliation if you have split up with someone - however there will be a delay in this and it may take sometime before you are both ready to retry the relationship
  • Can mean obsessive love or addiction to the other person in the relationship. Nothing dangerous per se but look to outside distractions if you are attaching yourself too quickly to another person in your life
  • A power struggle in a relationship that will be overcome in time



If you are asking about your love life in general and this card makes its appearance it shows that a new relationship is quickly coming your way and just around the corner, so prepare yourself! If you have recently split up with someone and you are asking if a reconciliation will take place it may be the case depending on the other cards around it. If it is surrounded by such cards as the Ace of Cups or Wands, yes you will reconcile with your ex lover soon enough. However it vary's given the cards around it. This card can also mean a upcoming marriage in the future ahead or a solid long term commitment if that is what you are pondering on during the reading. In any case it does show good things coming your way!



When this card shows up it is a good omen for future happiness and love. It shows future commitment and long term love. Marriage is coming if  you aren't already committed in this way. It shows that the two of you are on the right path and things are looking positive. If the card is reversed it is simply saying at times you two may have struggles but they are overcome with patience and love. Power struggles give way in the weeks ahead and things will smooth over. Its a very positive card for the two of you and things have a good positive energy around them. You two are a perfect compliment to each other.


Card Combinations

The Lovers, The Ace of Cups and The Star

This combination usually shows up when someone is asking if they will reconcile with an ex. If that is the case the answer is yes as the Ace of Cups does mean new start in love and The Star is a card of hope. If you are doing a general love reading this combo is saying strong new love is on the way and your hopes will be manifested with a great relationship. It is generally the same for couples but the Ace of cups could also be announcing news of pregnancy!


The Lovers, The Devil and The Strength card reversed.

This combination is somewhat more serious. The lovers card and the Devil card are not a good combination, throw in Strength reversed and we have a combination spelling out trouble. It shows someone obsessive and at a sometimes dangerous low. If you have split up with someone, and find yourself depressed, anxious, and obsessive even months after a split, its time to seek out some support. I see this combination many times with clients who can't move on from a relationship even years after a split has taken place. The Strength card is of course obvious in this case, your personal power has been drained and you are emotionally weak. However the Devil card can indicate someone who just won't back off and maybe the cause of the problems. If you find yourself constantly calling or contacting your ex even months after a split, if you have constant psychic readings to see if he is coming back even after you have been told he/she isn't. Its time to take sometime out to look at where you are heading and what can be done to break this addiction to your ex.

Psychic Sensational!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tarot - The Hierophant (5)


The Hierophant or Pope is symbolic of order and morality in our lives.  This card usually is saying that it may be time to make our own decisions or take the advice of someone who has more experience even if we don't like what we hear.  If you draw this card when asking about financial concerns or problems it may be time to seek advice from a financial advisor, bank manager or credit advisor. If this card shows up when you are asking about relationship issues again its saying maybe its time to seek out couples therapy or advice from a spiritual leader or therapist. If you draw this card when looking for answers in regard to a break up or split, it may be good to seek advice elsewhere as this is a time you need extra support. Its time to spiritually renew yourself and work out if you are on the right path.



 Divination Meanings:


  • Use your intuition
  • Exploring new spiritual paths will benefit you at this time
  • Rituals and Routine in our lives
  • People in Authority
  • Protection
  • Learning the secret arts of spiritual talents such as Tarot, Spell Work, Healing and so forth
  • Meditation and Spiritual Work bringing balance
  • Spiritual Advice 
  • Good Outcomes
  • A male figure in our lives who is upright and noble


  • People giving bad advice - Listen to your intuition before you listen to others
  • Hiding the truth out of fear
  • You may be the victim of slander or gossip
  • Don't let your fear crowd your intuition
  • Negative influences
  • Stuck in a bad situation
  • Following a wrong spiritual path

Sunday, September 2, 2007

So Little Time!

I have had no time lately to keep up with my blogs!

It has taken me all this time to get around to writing up on The Emperor card! Almost a month! With work and clients, spellwork and everything else that is going on now days I'm sooooooooo super busy! Things are now back on track though!

Someone recently asked me for a quick anti-debt Spell...this is quite famous but works really well!


Write the following on 7 pieces of toilet paper.... 

"Debts - Misfortune - Bad Luck - Sadness - Poverty"

On the first Saturday of the waning moon... (The first Saturday after the Full Moon)

Flush the paper down the toilet...


Say 9 times:

"As this paper is flushed away so too are the things written on it banished from my life today! An it harm none!"


Do this everyday until the new moon!


Blessed be!


Psychic Sensational!

Tarot - The Emperor (4)

The Emperor card is one card that does tend to confuse people when learning the Tarot. This card doesn't speak to many on a deep level so the presence of the emperor sometimes raises questions as to what it actually *means*.

Some see The Emperor card as a card that represents a person, a man such as the King of Cups or King of Pentacles etc. This isn't usually the case, however it can be if this is how you read your cards. Usually this card represents the hope or desire to control your situation or outcomes. He can also indicate someone in our life who maybe someone who oozes authority such as Fathers, Husbands, Priests, Police officers and so on...usually depending on the question being asked of course lies the answer to this, or if he actually represents anyone per se at all. If this card appears in a general reading or a reading in relation to something you hope will happen it generally does indicate that your goals are about to start manifesting or what you hope will take place, actually will. If this card appears in relation to work or career it can indicate that you will be made an offer by either an older man or a man who you view as an authority in your field or job. When the Emperor appears in your love sector this usually indicates love or affection for an older man or the new hope of meeting an older lover.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tarot - The Empress (3)

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of The Empress card is pregnancy and fertility! The beautiful image of a woman who is pregnant and happy has so much more meaning and symbology than just that...The Empress card also heralds new beginnings, healing, new love, love for the long term and yes new birth. But of course new birth doesn't just mean babies, it can announce a upcoming new job, home or venture. This card can also mean Goddess Qualities manifesting in our lives and being.  There really is no 'reversed' or negative aspects to this card even though I have listed a few meanings here... a reversed Empress usually just means in general a delay in things hoped for or predicted. Some people believe it can mean a difficult pregnancy however this isn't always the case, it can mean however (if you are pregnant) a very overdue baby!


Divinatory Meanings:


  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Happy Marriage and growing love that will be long term and stable
  • Creativity
  • Healing
  • A new project or Job
  • New ventures which will grow and prosper
  • Prosperity
  • Goddess qualities developing in ones life: Psychism, Attunement to wicca/magic, Clairvoyance, Healing, and Universal Love.


  • A delay in all the above upright meanings.
  • Outcomes Delayed but only slightly.
  • Overdue childbirth.
  • Difficult pregnancy (see card combination notes)
  • Lack of creativity.
  • Spiritual Blockage - You need to open yourself up more to spiritual growth such as meditation or universal love/energy work.


Card Combinations

The Empress, The Ace of cups/wands or pentacles and any of the following: The Star, The Sun, The 10 of cups, Any page card.

The above combo heralds a pregnancy! Simple as that. Once you see the above combination in any order or place within a spread it usually does indicate a pregnancy either for yourself or linked to anyone focused on during the reading.

If the person you are asking about is a man or someone else asking about say, a ex lover and a Female court card is present (such as  a Queen or Princess) this usually means that the 'ex' now has a pregnant girlfriend or wife....OR the person you are asking about has around them a pregnant woman who has a significant place in their life. Of course it can also mean depending on the question that it may be the questioner herself that is pregnant or hoping to be.

The Empress, The 3 of Pentacles (or any pentacle card) and The Sun

This combination shows a new project or opportunity that will bring wealth or great success to you. The 3 of pentacles usually indicates profit from something you enjoy usually the arts or hobbies... however this combination in general heralds great prospects and new opportunities that will really pay off!

The Empress (reversed), Any Sword card (except a King, Knight or Queen) and any wand card reversed.

This combo does indicate a difficult pregnancy *however* it usually means a delayed or overdue birth with no real problems. These cards aren't saying anything horrid will go wrong but you will have to spend quite a bit of time resting up and taking care of yourself to avoid problems.  If this combination comes up in relation to questions on pregnancy it doesn't mean anything will be wrong with the baby. This isn't to be treated as a diagnoses and you should seek out medical advice if you are worried something is wrong before reading the cards..



To Be Continued!........................

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tarot - The High Priestess (2)



The High Priestess in most decks is  a representation of a beautiful woman sitting on a throne adorned with opulent robes and the symbol of the moon under her left foot.  This card is ruled by the Moon and symbolizes hidden feelings, actions and thoughts. It can also signify our relationship with our subconscious mind. This card is urging us to use our secret knowledge, go beyond what we know and reach out to learn what we need. When this card appears in a reading it also can be revealing to us that there is hidden knowledge or secrets in regard to the question being asked and now isn' t the time for the answer to come but it will in it's right time.  When this card shows in a reading relating to our inner selves or our spirituality it can be telling us to focus and learn as much as we can about ourselves and our inner power, that we need to reach beyond our fear to become attuned to our intuition.

 Divination Meanings:


  • Use your intuition
  • Hidden Secrets yet to be reveled
  • Female influences at work
  • Protection
  • Learning the secret arts of spiritual talents such as Tarot, Spell Work, Healing and so forth
  • Meditation and Spiritual Work bringing balance
  • Perfect Balance
  • Good Outcomes on the way
  • Use your inner power to create what you want and need


  • Hidden lies or deceit yet to be revealed
  • Hiding the truth out of fear
  • Ignoring the pain from the past rather than accepting it, releasing it and allowing ourselves to heal
  • Don't let your fear crowd your intuition
  • Negative influences that we aren't acknowledging
  • Stuck in a bad situation
  • Hidden influence usually coming from a female


To be continued!..............

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Manifestation & Attraction Reading List!

I thought I would blog about the recent books my clients have told me about and are having good success with....

Some I have read in which case I will comment on and others I will soon check out as well!



How to get everything you ever wanted is the BEST book on creating things in your life and attracting what you want...It beats The Secret by miles in ease of practice and is just 6 simple steps. The Author talks about how she manifested a New Jeep in a matter of days and then went on to fix her financial issues just as easy! Great reading and easy to follow!


I haven't read this book as yet but will do as I have had great feedback about it...!


Creative Visualization is a GREAT book.......its easy to understand and easy to follow and it brings great results quickly!

This isn't a book but actually a meditation CD - Great for people who have problems staying focused and concentrating while doing creative visualization sessions or during meditations. Aids in bring results fast! Manifest what you want in life easily using this CD once a day!

I recommend this book before The Secret as it gets to the point without the hype. Not to mention without the recent fraud issues tied to the secret's contributors in Australia... Check it out!



Blessed Be!

Psychic Sensational!




Aromatherapy Magic - Magical Essential Oils 101 - Part 1

One of my favorite forms of Earth Magic is Scent Magic... I classify it as Earth Magic because the flowers and plants have come from the earth ... It's an easy way to connect spiritually to the Earth and also adds the element of Earth to your spells!


A great resource for Aromatherapy Magic is 'Magical Aromatherapy' By Scott Cunningham! This is a great book listing hundreds of scents and their powers! It also has easy instructions on how to practice this magic.


A great basic 'Starter Kit' for Magical Aromatherapy would contain the following oils...ALWAYS use Essential oils so they are linked to the earth and avoid fake fragrance oil like the devil!


Lemongrass: Cleansing, Hex Breaking, Increasing Psychic Awareness, Healing, Banishing & Energy (Be careful about anointing the skin with this oil unless You use a unscented lotion or oil as a base)

Rose: This essential oil is usually very very expensive however you can buy it premixed which usually does lower the cost but doesn't ruin the scent or power. Used for Love, Beauty, Peace, Healing and Attracting Men.

Lavender: This oil is by far the most popular oil by far! It's great for healing, psychic protection (I use this daily when doing readings and afterward to energize myself) Love and Peace.

Clove: This oil is super super strong and NOT to be used on the skin at all! and never in the bath. This oil is great for oil burners or sachets. Increases wealth, brings new clients/customers and increases money in general. Also great for success. Also good to rid a house of negative energy. Simply put 9 cloves in a old frying pan or pot, heat it up until they start to smoke and walk around the house anti-clockwise to rid the house of unwanted entities or energy's. Works fast! Make sure to open the windows as the scent of this method is strong.

Cinnamon: Again this oil which is great for bringing money or love is to be avoided totally when you want to anoint the skin..Do NOT do it! use only on candles, in incense , in oil burners and in spell sachets. It's incredibly strong! Heat some water in a oil burner and add 9 drops while visualizing money coming to you, burn everyday from the new moon to full moon to keep a constant supply of cash coming your way! Works fast! If your desire is love, visualize love coming your way instead!

Lime: This oil is great for cleansing negative energy and creating a energy field around you to protect you from psychic attacks. This can be dabbed on the wrists, ankles, your third eye and your chest.  Dab on lightly! This Oil is also great for cleansing a room. Burn in a oil burner or fill a spray bottle with mineral water and add 9 drops of oil. Spray around the room but do NOT spray on furniture or walls.

Patchouli: A classic scent for attracting love, lust and money. This is great again to use in a oil burner or on candles for spellcraft. When smelling this great earthy scent visualize money or love coming to you.. Personally This oil reminds me of money as the scent does actually smell somewhat like money itself! I visualize my purse overflowing with cash and paying all bills on time...this has never let me down yet! Also its great to just anoint green candles and sit meditating on cash and wealth coming your way! This oil is thicker than most essential oils and has a brown hue to it... you can safely use a tiny bit on the skin but it can be sticky.

Sandalwood: This is a long time favorite of Witches world wide! Use this oil for lust or protection. It has a sensual sexy kind of smell and is great to add to lust and love rituals. Anoint the pulse points of the body to increase passion and desire. It is also a great 'multi purpose' oil for when you can't find the right oil for spell work... then use sandalwood!

Rosemary: Another great 'all purpose' oil. Used for just about every need under the sun! or moon! It is great also for aiding in study habits and learning as it increases the memory! It has been long believed that Rosemary will aid in remembrance and increasing intelligence! Use this oil on a red candle to increase your lovers thoughts of you and keep you in their memory daily!

To Be Continued.......


Psychic Sensational!

Copyright - Psychic Sensational 2007





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Tarot - The Magician (1)

One of my favorite cards in The Tarot is the Magician...This card is a card of strength and power, its powerful message is that you can create and manifest whatever you want in life...with effort and your own inner power all can be accomplished and manifested.  This card also shows that you are or about to do what needs to be done. Taking action is also signified by this card. If this card shows up in a spread in relation to someone else you are asking about, it may mean they are a person with a powerful personality, someone who gets things done or someone who is very forceful by nature, sometimes overbearing or hard to deal with. It can also signify a person who tends to be creative. If this card shows up in a spread when you are asking about the outcome of a goal or dream, the answer here is a strong yes! You will gain this goal or hope because you will pursue it until you get it! This is a very positive card by nature as it's encouraging us to take things forward no matter how hard it may seem.



Basic Interpretation:



  • Power to change the material world and manifest your goals and dreams with effort.
  • You will succeed in gaining what you hope.
  • Creativity .
  • You will gain success through hard work and effort.
  • Great wealth is possible.
  • Focus on your creative talents.
  • Someone will aid you in your goals.
  • What you hope for has the potential if you stay focused and positive.
  • If you are working on magical, Creative Visualization or Spell work to achieve a goal or hope , it will manifest swiftly and safely.


  • You are holding yourself back from your goals and dreams.
  • Make plans and stick to them to achieve what you hope.
  • Your hope or goal will manifest but it will be delayed slightly.
  • Magic or spellcraft may be a factor in your present circumstances: If negative take steps to cleanse yourself.
  • If linked with a male or female court card that is reversed (King or Queen) someone is either deliberately or unknowingly sending negativity your way usually just thoughts or projecting their negative attitude on you. (this may be spell work but its rare) Take steps to cleanse yourself now!
  • Your fear overcomes your intuition and inner power!
  • You hold yourself back due to fear of failure when you would/will succeed if you try and keep up effort.
  • A lazy person.
  • A person who tends to use people rather than do things themselves.
  • Magic and Spell work - Negative (Usually when the Devil Card is also present - Very Rare)


Some Card Combinations with the Magician

The Magician, The Sun and the Wheel

A powerful trinity of cards that usually indicates a successful outcome to a goal or hope. It can also mean success is coming after a long trial or hard fight. The wheel indicates that this was something that was meant to be yours and success is going to crown you.

The Magician Reversed, (Any) Queen or King and the Devil.

  • The Magician Reversed with the Devil card: Negative Spellwork, Curses, Negativity in general, Evil, Negative people & Enemies.
  • The Queen or King card indicates the person behind the attack or negativity to begin with.

This combination is rare to see in most readings, however I have seen it often dealing with spiritual and psychic attack victims. It usually indicates that either negative spell work has been done or will be done, and/or a psychic attack is underway. I can't stress enough that this is rare and if it does show up it may just mean that you are under strong stress and surrounded by negative people. It doesn't always mean spell work or curses. If you aren't involved with others who are strongly linked with the occult , it most likely means that you are picking up negativity from people who you don't get along with. Do a self cleansing, buy a protective oil such as Lemongrass and smell this visualizing a strong shield around you. Mix 3 drops with salt and any lemon scented shower gel and scrub yourself in the shower visualizing the negativity leaving you going down the drain. This will usually get rid of any day to day build up of negativity.

The Magician, The 8 of Pentacles and The Hermit

You will be successful in any future study or learning. This trio of cards also shows that you may undertake study in the future that will advance your career. The hermit card here with the other two cards indicates that you will need to 'take time out' for yourself in the future to focus on your goals but it will be a total success! If you are thinking of returning to school or worried about a test and these cards come up don't be! They scream success!


The Magician Card Meditation

This card is great to sit and meditate on to help increase your inner power, self confidence and magical energy! If you feel you lack the motivation to achieve a goal or wish. Sit quietly by the light of a gold candle, burn some lemon incense (symbolizes the moon) and look at the Magician card. Focus on your goal as you ponder on the details of the card. Imagine yourself full of strength and potential, see yourself gaining your goal and succeeding. Imagine a gold light streaming into you and empowering you. Do this daily if you wish or only once to aid you in recharging your energies!


Blessed be!

Psychic Sensational!

Copyright - Psychic Sensational 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tarot - The Fool (0)

The first card of most Tarot decks is the Fool.......symbolized by someone joyfully walking along a new path without taking much notice of what is going on around him. Followed usually by a dog companion.

This card symbolizes new starts, new paths and undertaking a new course. I take this card as a successful card which can also mean new beginnings,  new starts in love, reconciliation and turning over a new leaf. I have complied a quick list for a instant interpretation...


  • New beginnings
  • New Starts in love (either a new relationship is coming or a reconciliation - depends on the question being asked)
  • Learning
  • A move: Home, work or travel
  • Travel long distance and abroad
  • Foolish choices that lead to lessons being learned
  • Happiness
  • New starts
  • New Job
  • New Lover
  • New house or car



  • Bad choices
  • Risks - avoid at all costs
  • Being stuck in a rut or bad situation and refusing to make moves out of it
  • Stubbornness
  • Starting new projects but never finishing them!
  • Someone who won't make up their mind
  • Someone confused about what they want
  • Someone who makes the wrong choices even if its clearly the wrong choice at the time
  • Self sabotage
  • Someone who never learns from past mistakes - repeats mistakes
  • Someone who goes from one job to another - cannot commit to long term employment or relationships in their career
  • Someone who cannot commit to long term relationships
  • Wasting money and/or resources
  • Someone bad with money/finances

To be continued.......

Oil Pulling?

I'm catching up on email readings tonight and have been surfing the web while taking a break...

I came along this site while looking at alternative healing sites



I have never heard of this!


Thought I would blog it for interests sake!


Blessed be!

Sugar Coated Readings....

There is nothing I hate more than having to tell a person a hard sad truth. I have to do this daily and it does upset me...Nobody wants to have to tell a client that their ex isn't returning or they will not be able to win them back.It upsets me to hear from clients that other readers tell them that their ex will be back and a fairy tale will soon follow...when all I see on the cards is the hard truth that they have gone and ain't coming back...No matter how bad a reading seems there is always light at the end of the reminds me of the Tower card in the Celtic Dragon Deck... the tower is crumbling yes and the lightening has struck but the dragons are able to escape to safety and start matter how gloomy things look ... better days will come. Many years ago I had a client who came to me daily, she also would consult around 4 or 5 other readers racking up totals of over $45,000 a year on live chat readings. She was married but was in love with a past ex lover (also married) she also had interest in around 3-4 other men who she claimed (she was told by other readers) were madly in love with her,to the point of obsession and any man she met wanted her. She would NOT listen to real life advice or even want to 'hint' that this was not true. She wanted to live in this days of our lives bubble world and believe that this other married man (the ex from the past) would soon pursue her and sweep her off her feet. Sadly this was not the case. Soon her husband discovered that she was nearly $50k in credit card debt due to this obsession with readings. . . and you guessed it...he moved out and filed for divorce. He had installed spyware on her PC and had copies of her emails to not 4 other men, but around 26 other men she had met on Yahoo personals. I had warned her multiples times she had to quit with this 'online thing' and focus on her marriage... she would tell me her husband was gay and it was ok. Her husband was not *gay* and was crushed when he found all the evidence... my point in this post is that if at least half of these other readers had told her the truth and stopped telling her what she wanted to hear she may have had a wake up at some point. Her marriage would not have been saved I'm convinced of that but she would at least have taken a long hard look at her actions.

My other blogs and sites:

Blessed be!

Psychic 911

Hi everyone!
I get thousands of emails every month asking me questions related to my work and psychic readings in general. I decided to start a seperate blog to write up the questions I get and answer them so they can benefit others. I do give free readings depending on case and figured that while totally respecting privacy by changing names and dates etc I could answer them and post them up here in the hope it could help other people.

This question came to me the other day on my business site and I have the clients permission to post this without names:

"Help ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never get my ex back :(:(:( OMG!!! HeLP me!!! :((( I recently got a reading over the phone and the reader told me that my ex dumped me for this new woman because she put a curse on me and him and to get him back I would have to pay her to fix it . I know I phoned him several times a day but I did not nag him to commit with me but is this true? is there a spell?"


First of all you have to calm down! I have drawn cards on your particular situation and see NO signs of witchcraft or spell work at all. I won't lie to you, the cards I have show that your behavoir was a factor in your boyfriend giving up and walking away. The cards I have show that you put far too much pressure on him to commit too soon and he walked away because he was sick of dealing with the constant pressure. I do NOT feel that your ex's new girlfriend has used any magic to win your man over. Sadly there are readers who will tell you this to fear you into paying for spell work. Even though I do at times do spell work for a client, I never take money for the spell itself. This is in itself wrong. The cards I have do show that this man will not stay with this new flame however you will be best for now to move on as he does look to take sometime out before seeing anyone else. There is no sign that spellcraft has caused him to leave you, none at all. He didn't want to tie himself to you at the point when he decided to walk away. It was not because he was under a spell or curse, and not because this other woman stole him away from you. The cards I have show that he met this woman *after* splitting with you. You will heal from this sweety I'm sure.
But please don't fear spellwork as no spell has been cast on you.

Blessed be!

This is common in my industry and I get emails about this topic weekly. Sadly there are readers out there who use fear tactics to scare clients into paying big bucks to remove curses to bring back a loved one. Many clients go on to pay for spell work anyway out of fear and that is totally their choice however most times, these spell casters take the money and run...after all to make a spell work you have to put in effort and energy and *desire* the spell to work...and why would a complete stranger bother?

Sundays Success Spell!
This spell is great for a quick fast success spell!
I use this often as its a great kick start to get things moving on a successful start!

You will need:
1 Gold Candle
1 Sandalwood Incense stick or cone
Anna Riva's Success Oil

Hold the candle in the smoke of the incense while visualizing your goal and yourself totally successful...
Now rub the oil from the base of the candle to the wick again keep visualizing being a success.
Light the Candle and say:

"Success will come to me, totally mine so mote it be, bring my goals and dreams to me! an it harm none"

Let the candle burn out. Do this spell only on a sunday during the waxing moon.

If you have a question feel free to contact me via this blog!

Blessed Be!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Powerful Saturdays!

Merry Meet again!
With the summer heat at its highest right now its a good time to utalize the Suns energy in spell work! And if by chance you are living 'down under' the chilly weather also serves as a good time to 'freeze out' unwanted attitudes and problems we have!
One of my all time favorite energy rituals includes the Suns healing heat!
To cleanse and empower your Tarot Cards... lay out a cloth or alter cloth that has been held in the smoke of incense for a few minutes before doing this cleansing and empowering spell.
Light some dragons blood or cleansing/sandalwood incense and hold your cards in the smoke for a few mintues...then taking your cards outside or to your window pane and Place all of your cards on the cloth in the sun, spread them out so they can absorb the healing and cleansing light and leave them there until you feel they are ready to take back inside... a general good time guide is 10-20 minutes. Thats it! Its incredibly powerful and is very beneficial for Tarot readers or just for of a good solid cleanse!

For my friends down under now is a good day to freeze out any issues you have or things you want to overcome.

Icy Over power spell

You will need a small bottle or jar
and piece of paper and pen

Write out what you want to overpower
It can be a person but only do this if it is totally warranted!

So write down on the paper your target
For example if it is a problem write the problem down ...
put the paper in the jar/bottle fill with water and put in the freezer...

thats it!
Doing this on a saturday will give this spell extra power to 'freeze out' the problem from your life...

If its a person visualize the two of you parting or sorting things out in a peaceful way..if they are a danger...imagine a huge dragon protecting you from them and sheilding you and them running in the other direction.
Or any other protective source you wish to use... Angels, Spirit guides etc

Blessed be!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Good Luck!

Today is Friday....finally!
One of my fav days for Spellwork its a day to focus on Love, Good Luck and Good Fortune! This day is also good to catch up on any money spells you need to work on as its a good day all round for spells and energy work!
Traditionally Friday is seen as a day for Love work so here is my favorite Love Spell of all time...

It's incredibly easy and fast!

All you need is one red candle..any shape , or size...
Cleanse the candle in a mixture of salt and water and let it dry...

Now take the candle and carve in your name and if you have someone you wish to attract their name as well...or just ' new lover' if you want someone new...
Visualize yourself in a happy relationship with lots of passion.

Now light the candle and say 9 times:

"Light the flame...bright the fire...Red is the color of desire!"

Sit for as long as you can and think about your lover or new love....
Let the candle burn out and that's it!

Blessed be!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Manifest a Miracle - Ideal Scene

It’s early Thursday morning and I’m still super busy working on numerous web projects. I have been doing research on Creative Visualization for an article and wanted to add something to my blog about this..

I often use this technique called the ‘Ideal Scene Sheet’ which is great to manifest goals of all types… it can be found in Shakti Gawains Book Creative Visualization

It works like this:

You first write out your goal….
Then how you would like it to manifest and this is to be written as if it’s already happened.
And simply sign the page with your name and an affirmation…

So it looks like this:


“To Lose 20 Pounds quickly and
“I started a diet last month and lost weight safely
and quickly! It worked so well and now I’m full of energy and looking

“This manifests for me here and now quickly and
easily with harm to none!”

Jane Doe
June 10 2007

Keep your Ideal Scene Sheet in a diary or somewhere you will see if often.

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Blog!

Hi everyone this is my new blog where I hope to get time to talk about Tarot and lots more... Work has been hectic but rewarding lately! With lots of clients having great results. I'm still working on my two books when I get time but lately that has been hard! The new online store will be up soon as well and I'm also working on other projects...

Today is Wednesday - The moon is waxing and its a great day for Money and Wealth Spells. . . Traditionally Thursday is the prefered day for such spells however Wednesday also has some great kick for money work!

This is one of my all time favorite money spells and its very easy! I found this spell over 15 years ago in a book which is now out of print and sadly I no longer have it! The first time I did this spell when I was a teen it worked overnight ... I asked an adult I knew to put $20 on a race horse (which I never did) and won $2,000! The spell continued to work over the upcoming weeks a little less dramatic but still a constant flow of money followed...It is best if possible to do this for the full 9 days during the waxing moon.

Money Lord Spell
3, 7 or 9 Green Candles*
Wash the candle in a mix of 1 tablespoon of salt and water. Let it dry naturally. With a pin carve in the amount of money you want. Be specific as possible. Don't carve too hard as the candle will break. Carve in your name as well and 9 Money Symbols so it looks like this
$50,000 (example only)
Jane Doe
Now annoint your candle with either a money oil or olive oil.
"Oh Money Lord Hear my plea....
Look my way,
Look my way,
Send your abundance to me!"
Let the Candle Burn out!
Use 1 new candle each day.
(If you choose to do the spell 3 days use 3 candles, if you decide on 7 days, use 7 candles etc )
(Use either 3", 7" or 9" candles - Plain Tapers only)

I have had a few clients ask me what I think of The Secret movie and book. I actually read the book and have to say I have read far better books on the subject of manifesting goals. This book honestly is just a rehash of previous books on creative visualization and 'wishcraft' before it. I also want to add that many of the speakers and contributors on the movie and website/book have questionable pasts and practices - buyer beware. There is currently an investigation going on in Australia on a couple of the speakers and their links to fraudulent activity after an expose on Australian TV. Link
Positive thinking does work but check out some of these other books first:
Creative Visualization By Shakti Gawain
Incredibly easy to follow with many great and simple exercises to manifest what you want quickly!
Creative Visualization By Dennings & Phillilps
A little more advanced but still quicker and easier than The Secret techniques. Dennings and Phillips focus more on the magical aspects of Creative Visualization but still very practical and easy to follow.
How to get everything you ever wanted! By Adrian Calabrese PH.D
This is by far the best and easiest guide to manifesting your goals and wishes! It includes the 6 steps to success! The author talks about how she manifest a Black Jeep Cherokee just days after starting this technique! Quick and Easy! Buy this before bothering with The Secret.
For those of you interested in Lazy Manifestation and Wishing I suggest checking out this new manifestation software...I have found it awesome so far!
Check it out! All you do is type in a wish and run this while you are on your pc...that's it!

Dream Manifesto Wish Software