Friday, July 27, 2007

Good Luck!

Today is Friday....finally!
One of my fav days for Spellwork its a day to focus on Love, Good Luck and Good Fortune! This day is also good to catch up on any money spells you need to work on as its a good day all round for spells and energy work!
Traditionally Friday is seen as a day for Love work so here is my favorite Love Spell of all time...

It's incredibly easy and fast!

All you need is one red candle..any shape , or size...
Cleanse the candle in a mixture of salt and water and let it dry...

Now take the candle and carve in your name and if you have someone you wish to attract their name as well...or just ' new lover' if you want someone new...
Visualize yourself in a happy relationship with lots of passion.

Now light the candle and say 9 times:

"Light the flame...bright the fire...Red is the color of desire!"

Sit for as long as you can and think about your lover or new love....
Let the candle burn out and that's it!

Blessed be!