Monday, July 30, 2007

Tarot - The Fool (0)

The first card of most Tarot decks is the Fool.......symbolized by someone joyfully walking along a new path without taking much notice of what is going on around him. Followed usually by a dog companion.

This card symbolizes new starts, new paths and undertaking a new course. I take this card as a successful card which can also mean new beginnings,  new starts in love, reconciliation and turning over a new leaf. I have complied a quick list for a instant interpretation...


  • New beginnings
  • New Starts in love (either a new relationship is coming or a reconciliation - depends on the question being asked)
  • Learning
  • A move: Home, work or travel
  • Travel long distance and abroad
  • Foolish choices that lead to lessons being learned
  • Happiness
  • New starts
  • New Job
  • New Lover
  • New house or car



  • Bad choices
  • Risks - avoid at all costs
  • Being stuck in a rut or bad situation and refusing to make moves out of it
  • Stubbornness
  • Starting new projects but never finishing them!
  • Someone who won't make up their mind
  • Someone confused about what they want
  • Someone who makes the wrong choices even if its clearly the wrong choice at the time
  • Self sabotage
  • Someone who never learns from past mistakes - repeats mistakes
  • Someone who goes from one job to another - cannot commit to long term employment or relationships in their career
  • Someone who cannot commit to long term relationships
  • Wasting money and/or resources
  • Someone bad with money/finances

To be continued.......

Oil Pulling?

I'm catching up on email readings tonight and have been surfing the web while taking a break...

I came along this site while looking at alternative healing sites



I have never heard of this!


Thought I would blog it for interests sake!


Blessed be!

Sugar Coated Readings....

There is nothing I hate more than having to tell a person a hard sad truth. I have to do this daily and it does upset me...Nobody wants to have to tell a client that their ex isn't returning or they will not be able to win them back.It upsets me to hear from clients that other readers tell them that their ex will be back and a fairy tale will soon follow...when all I see on the cards is the hard truth that they have gone and ain't coming back...No matter how bad a reading seems there is always light at the end of the reminds me of the Tower card in the Celtic Dragon Deck... the tower is crumbling yes and the lightening has struck but the dragons are able to escape to safety and start matter how gloomy things look ... better days will come. Many years ago I had a client who came to me daily, she also would consult around 4 or 5 other readers racking up totals of over $45,000 a year on live chat readings. She was married but was in love with a past ex lover (also married) she also had interest in around 3-4 other men who she claimed (she was told by other readers) were madly in love with her,to the point of obsession and any man she met wanted her. She would NOT listen to real life advice or even want to 'hint' that this was not true. She wanted to live in this days of our lives bubble world and believe that this other married man (the ex from the past) would soon pursue her and sweep her off her feet. Sadly this was not the case. Soon her husband discovered that she was nearly $50k in credit card debt due to this obsession with readings. . . and you guessed it...he moved out and filed for divorce. He had installed spyware on her PC and had copies of her emails to not 4 other men, but around 26 other men she had met on Yahoo personals. I had warned her multiples times she had to quit with this 'online thing' and focus on her marriage... she would tell me her husband was gay and it was ok. Her husband was not *gay* and was crushed when he found all the evidence... my point in this post is that if at least half of these other readers had told her the truth and stopped telling her what she wanted to hear she may have had a wake up at some point. Her marriage would not have been saved I'm convinced of that but she would at least have taken a long hard look at her actions.

My other blogs and sites:

Blessed be!

Psychic 911

Hi everyone!
I get thousands of emails every month asking me questions related to my work and psychic readings in general. I decided to start a seperate blog to write up the questions I get and answer them so they can benefit others. I do give free readings depending on case and figured that while totally respecting privacy by changing names and dates etc I could answer them and post them up here in the hope it could help other people.

This question came to me the other day on my business site and I have the clients permission to post this without names:

"Help ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never get my ex back :(:(:( OMG!!! HeLP me!!! :((( I recently got a reading over the phone and the reader told me that my ex dumped me for this new woman because she put a curse on me and him and to get him back I would have to pay her to fix it . I know I phoned him several times a day but I did not nag him to commit with me but is this true? is there a spell?"


First of all you have to calm down! I have drawn cards on your particular situation and see NO signs of witchcraft or spell work at all. I won't lie to you, the cards I have show that your behavoir was a factor in your boyfriend giving up and walking away. The cards I have show that you put far too much pressure on him to commit too soon and he walked away because he was sick of dealing with the constant pressure. I do NOT feel that your ex's new girlfriend has used any magic to win your man over. Sadly there are readers who will tell you this to fear you into paying for spell work. Even though I do at times do spell work for a client, I never take money for the spell itself. This is in itself wrong. The cards I have do show that this man will not stay with this new flame however you will be best for now to move on as he does look to take sometime out before seeing anyone else. There is no sign that spellcraft has caused him to leave you, none at all. He didn't want to tie himself to you at the point when he decided to walk away. It was not because he was under a spell or curse, and not because this other woman stole him away from you. The cards I have show that he met this woman *after* splitting with you. You will heal from this sweety I'm sure.
But please don't fear spellwork as no spell has been cast on you.

Blessed be!

This is common in my industry and I get emails about this topic weekly. Sadly there are readers out there who use fear tactics to scare clients into paying big bucks to remove curses to bring back a loved one. Many clients go on to pay for spell work anyway out of fear and that is totally their choice however most times, these spell casters take the money and run...after all to make a spell work you have to put in effort and energy and *desire* the spell to work...and why would a complete stranger bother?

Sundays Success Spell!
This spell is great for a quick fast success spell!
I use this often as its a great kick start to get things moving on a successful start!

You will need:
1 Gold Candle
1 Sandalwood Incense stick or cone
Anna Riva's Success Oil

Hold the candle in the smoke of the incense while visualizing your goal and yourself totally successful...
Now rub the oil from the base of the candle to the wick again keep visualizing being a success.
Light the Candle and say:

"Success will come to me, totally mine so mote it be, bring my goals and dreams to me! an it harm none"

Let the candle burn out. Do this spell only on a sunday during the waxing moon.

If you have a question feel free to contact me via this blog!

Blessed Be!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Powerful Saturdays!

Merry Meet again!
With the summer heat at its highest right now its a good time to utalize the Suns energy in spell work! And if by chance you are living 'down under' the chilly weather also serves as a good time to 'freeze out' unwanted attitudes and problems we have!
One of my all time favorite energy rituals includes the Suns healing heat!
To cleanse and empower your Tarot Cards... lay out a cloth or alter cloth that has been held in the smoke of incense for a few minutes before doing this cleansing and empowering spell.
Light some dragons blood or cleansing/sandalwood incense and hold your cards in the smoke for a few mintues...then taking your cards outside or to your window pane and Place all of your cards on the cloth in the sun, spread them out so they can absorb the healing and cleansing light and leave them there until you feel they are ready to take back inside... a general good time guide is 10-20 minutes. Thats it! Its incredibly powerful and is very beneficial for Tarot readers or just for of a good solid cleanse!

For my friends down under now is a good day to freeze out any issues you have or things you want to overcome.

Icy Over power spell

You will need a small bottle or jar
and piece of paper and pen

Write out what you want to overpower
It can be a person but only do this if it is totally warranted!

So write down on the paper your target
For example if it is a problem write the problem down ...
put the paper in the jar/bottle fill with water and put in the freezer...

thats it!
Doing this on a saturday will give this spell extra power to 'freeze out' the problem from your life...

If its a person visualize the two of you parting or sorting things out in a peaceful way..if they are a danger...imagine a huge dragon protecting you from them and sheilding you and them running in the other direction.
Or any other protective source you wish to use... Angels, Spirit guides etc

Blessed be!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Good Luck!

Today is Friday....finally!
One of my fav days for Spellwork its a day to focus on Love, Good Luck and Good Fortune! This day is also good to catch up on any money spells you need to work on as its a good day all round for spells and energy work!
Traditionally Friday is seen as a day for Love work so here is my favorite Love Spell of all time...

It's incredibly easy and fast!

All you need is one red candle..any shape , or size...
Cleanse the candle in a mixture of salt and water and let it dry...

Now take the candle and carve in your name and if you have someone you wish to attract their name as well...or just ' new lover' if you want someone new...
Visualize yourself in a happy relationship with lots of passion.

Now light the candle and say 9 times:

"Light the flame...bright the fire...Red is the color of desire!"

Sit for as long as you can and think about your lover or new love....
Let the candle burn out and that's it!

Blessed be!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Manifest a Miracle - Ideal Scene

It’s early Thursday morning and I’m still super busy working on numerous web projects. I have been doing research on Creative Visualization for an article and wanted to add something to my blog about this..

I often use this technique called the ‘Ideal Scene Sheet’ which is great to manifest goals of all types… it can be found in Shakti Gawains Book Creative Visualization

It works like this:

You first write out your goal….
Then how you would like it to manifest and this is to be written as if it’s already happened.
And simply sign the page with your name and an affirmation…

So it looks like this:


“To Lose 20 Pounds quickly and
“I started a diet last month and lost weight safely
and quickly! It worked so well and now I’m full of energy and looking

“This manifests for me here and now quickly and
easily with harm to none!”

Jane Doe
June 10 2007

Keep your Ideal Scene Sheet in a diary or somewhere you will see if often.

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Blog!

Hi everyone this is my new blog where I hope to get time to talk about Tarot and lots more... Work has been hectic but rewarding lately! With lots of clients having great results. I'm still working on my two books when I get time but lately that has been hard! The new online store will be up soon as well and I'm also working on other projects...

Today is Wednesday - The moon is waxing and its a great day for Money and Wealth Spells. . . Traditionally Thursday is the prefered day for such spells however Wednesday also has some great kick for money work!

This is one of my all time favorite money spells and its very easy! I found this spell over 15 years ago in a book which is now out of print and sadly I no longer have it! The first time I did this spell when I was a teen it worked overnight ... I asked an adult I knew to put $20 on a race horse (which I never did) and won $2,000! The spell continued to work over the upcoming weeks a little less dramatic but still a constant flow of money followed...It is best if possible to do this for the full 9 days during the waxing moon.

Money Lord Spell
3, 7 or 9 Green Candles*
Wash the candle in a mix of 1 tablespoon of salt and water. Let it dry naturally. With a pin carve in the amount of money you want. Be specific as possible. Don't carve too hard as the candle will break. Carve in your name as well and 9 Money Symbols so it looks like this
$50,000 (example only)
Jane Doe
Now annoint your candle with either a money oil or olive oil.
"Oh Money Lord Hear my plea....
Look my way,
Look my way,
Send your abundance to me!"
Let the Candle Burn out!
Use 1 new candle each day.
(If you choose to do the spell 3 days use 3 candles, if you decide on 7 days, use 7 candles etc )
(Use either 3", 7" or 9" candles - Plain Tapers only)

I have had a few clients ask me what I think of The Secret movie and book. I actually read the book and have to say I have read far better books on the subject of manifesting goals. This book honestly is just a rehash of previous books on creative visualization and 'wishcraft' before it. I also want to add that many of the speakers and contributors on the movie and website/book have questionable pasts and practices - buyer beware. There is currently an investigation going on in Australia on a couple of the speakers and their links to fraudulent activity after an expose on Australian TV. Link
Positive thinking does work but check out some of these other books first:
Creative Visualization By Shakti Gawain
Incredibly easy to follow with many great and simple exercises to manifest what you want quickly!
Creative Visualization By Dennings & Phillilps
A little more advanced but still quicker and easier than The Secret techniques. Dennings and Phillips focus more on the magical aspects of Creative Visualization but still very practical and easy to follow.
How to get everything you ever wanted! By Adrian Calabrese PH.D
This is by far the best and easiest guide to manifesting your goals and wishes! It includes the 6 steps to success! The author talks about how she manifest a Black Jeep Cherokee just days after starting this technique! Quick and Easy! Buy this before bothering with The Secret.
For those of you interested in Lazy Manifestation and Wishing I suggest checking out this new manifestation software...I have found it awesome so far!
Check it out! All you do is type in a wish and run this while you are on your pc...that's it!

Dream Manifesto Wish Software