Hi everyone!
I get thousands of emails every month asking me questions related to my work and psychic readings in general. I decided to start a seperate blog to write up the questions I get and answer them so they can benefit others. I do give free readings depending on case and figured that while totally respecting privacy by changing names and dates etc I could answer them and post them up here in the hope it could help other people.
This question came to me the other day on my business site and I have the clients permission to post this without names:
"Help ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never get my ex back :(:(:( OMG!!! HeLP me!!! :((( I recently got a reading over the phone and the reader told me that my ex dumped me for this new woman because she put a curse on me and him and to get him back I would have to pay her to fix it . I know I phoned him several times a day but I did not nag him to commit with me but is this true? is there a spell?"
First of all you have to calm down! I have drawn cards on your particular situation and see NO signs of witchcraft or spell work at all. I won't lie to you, the cards I have show that your behavoir was a factor in your boyfriend giving up and walking away. The cards I have show that you put far too much pressure on him to commit too soon and he walked away because he was sick of dealing with the constant pressure. I do NOT feel that your ex's new girlfriend has used any magic to win your man over. Sadly there are readers who will tell you this to fear you into paying for spell work. Even though I do at times do spell work for a client, I never take money for the spell itself. This is in itself wrong. The cards I have do show that this man will not stay with this new flame however you will be best for now to move on as he does look to take sometime out before seeing anyone else. There is no sign that spellcraft has caused him to leave you, none at all. He didn't want to tie himself to you at the point when he decided to walk away. It was not because he was under a spell or curse, and not because this other woman stole him away from you. The cards I have show that he met this woman *after* splitting with you. You will heal from this sweety I'm sure.
But please don't fear spellwork as no spell has been cast on you.
Blessed be!
This is common in my industry and I get emails about this topic weekly. Sadly there are readers out there who use fear tactics to scare clients into paying big bucks to remove curses to bring back a loved one. Many clients go on to pay for spell work anyway out of fear and that is totally their choice however most times, these spell casters take the money and run...after all to make a spell work you have to put in effort and energy and *desire* the spell to work...and why would a complete stranger bother?
Sundays Success Spell!
This spell is great for a quick fast success spell!
I use this often as its a great kick start to get things moving on a successful start!
You will need:
1 Gold Candle
1 Sandalwood Incense stick or cone
Anna Riva's Success Oil
Hold the candle in the smoke of the incense while visualizing your goal and yourself totally successful...
Now rub the oil from the base of the candle to the wick again keep visualizing being a success.
Light the Candle and say:
"Success will come to me, totally mine so mote it be, bring my goals and dreams to me! an it harm none"
Let the candle burn out. Do this spell only on a sunday during the waxing moon.
If you have a question feel free to contact me via this blog!
http://psychic911.spaces.live.com/blog/Blessed Be!