Friday, September 7, 2007

Tarot Card Meanings - Strength - Card 8

The image of a beautiful woman taming and embracing a strong robust lion conjures up images of inner strength and power and this is exactly what The Strength card signifies. When this card makes it's appearance in a spread we are reassured that we have the power and might to overcome all that hinders us, be in emotional, financial, romantic or physical.  This card's core meaning is courage and the power we muster that comes from it. It can also mean energy and protection, justice and mercy. I see this card a lot in love readings, reversed usually it indicates to me someone who is so hurt and wounded by the actions of their lover that they no longer feel they can go on. This card always shows up reversed when I read someone who has been the victim of emotional abuse by the one person they love. It saddens me deeply that how others treat us and how their words impact us so harshly that we start to believe we aren't worthy of love or 'their love' and this can be emotionally devastating. The strength card reversed in regards to love spreads usually indicates we have fear of loss, fear of not being loved back and its draining our emotional energy's. When this card is upright it is telling us that no matter what life throws our way we can deal with it, handle it and overcome it with success no matter how down and out we may be! This card shows us that we have the power to overcome all that hinders us, so when you see this card appear in your readings, take heart as its saying what you hope to achieve, and what you want is within your reach and you have the power to take it and make it happen regardless of how you feel now! In regards to career this card indicates you are coming into a time of success and power, possible promotions or raises are coming and you are in the drivers seat! In regards to money this card brings the message in our readings that you will find a way to pay off those debts faster than you hope, debts are repaid, you get out of debt, finances become strong and a financial break through is on the way, if you are asking if money is coming...yes it is! It may also show you buying or selling a house or property soon or within the upcoming months ahead. As far as health and healing, this card indicates a time of healing taking place, serious illnesses are overcome, healing takes place and your health is restored. If this card is reversed, it is saying, slow down, rest, rejuvenate!




Basic Meanings


  • Courage
  • Debts repaid/paid off
  • Finances become stronger
  • Money Saved
  • Increase financially
  • Strength - Inner and physical
  • Overcoming problems by drawing on our inner courage and strength
  • Love
  • Mercy
  • Compassion
  • Power
  • Self help
  • Empowerment
  • Healing
  • Health
  • Overcoming health problems




  • Power misused or abused
  • Lack of will power
  • Feelings of not being good enough
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Gossip
  • Using other people by abusing their vulnerabilities
  • Lack of energy
  • Fear
  • Losing energy from lack of focus or no direction in life
  • Emotional pain from a break up or divorce
  • Past hurt that lingers and drains emotional strength
  • Victim of domestic abuse or emotional abuse

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tarot - The Chariot

This card is a fast action get ready to move and get things done card! It's highly symbolic of traveling and can mean an upcoming trip, new car or things finally shifting into gear and happening. It's a very positive card to have arrive in your spread! If you have been stuck in a rut and this card appears it signifies things really starting to move and you will soon be back on track! If this card manifests in when you are looking into a work related problem it's showing you success is on the way in either a promotion or raise, increase and favor in your work place. Success is yours! If you are asking about love, things are on a good path and look to work out as you hope! In regards to health, healing will take place! This card indicates speed and things moving along fast to manifest your goals and dreams. However if surrounded by swords, it can indicate a time for you to slow down and relax...smell the roses! If surrounded by cups or wands, good luck in Love is coming your way and if surrounded by more pentacles than other cards, financial good luck and prosperity is in your future!



Basic Meanings


  • Overcoming problems or trouble
  • Finally getting a break in life after a string of bad luck
  • Victory
  • Success
  • Reaching your goals quickly and easily
  • Your hopes and dreams coming to fruition
  • Travel
  • Cars & Driving
  • Overcoming a problem that has been a long term problem
  • Healing
  • Success in business, exams, and tests



  • Success delayed but still coming
  • A problem soon to be overcome after some delay
  • Delay in success or reaching goals
  • A feeling of being stuck or in a rut
  • Envy

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Are we Soul mates? - How to tell if you have a spiritual tie.


I'm asked daily in my practice by clients if they are soul mates with the person they are seeking answers about. I would like to clear up some misconceptions about the term soul mates and what a true spiritual tie can mean. I would like to point out that the terms soul mates and twin flames do tend to be thrown around a lot by people the same way 'best friends' can be. It isn't always an accurate way to describe someone.

At times in our lives we may feel a strong connection to a person that we just can't explain, usually also there is an instant attraction or 'love at first sight' syndrome as they say. However also I have seen many times people who have been close friends for many years suddenly developing an overwhelming attraction that they can't deny. In either case this shows strong signs of a true spiritual connection. Sometimes we want to believe that someone is our true soul mate and they will never be replaced. In some cases yes this is true however generally we do have more than one soul mate in a lifetime. Sadly sometimes during a reading clients are told what they 'hope' to hear that they are soul mates and a fairytale romance will soon develop from the ashes and you both will be happy for eternity. Sometimes this may be true other times it's not. It's a hard thing for a reader to be upfront and honest with a client when things don't look so positive but in the long run it will be a healing thing rather than a painful one. I have to tell clients everyday in my practice things they don't want to hear such as he isn't coming back, he/she has someone else and it's time to move on. I promise you even though it does hurt today the pain will banish and someone right will come your way.


How To Tell

Sure signs of a soul connection

  • Quickly bonding and connecting
  • Getting a feeling that the two of you can't be apart without this feeling fading or lessoning over time
  • Dreaming about a person before meeting them
  • Being in tune with the other person on a psychic level - feeling a sense of intuition with the other person
  • Feeling a connection at times even if you aren't sure why
  • Having a sense of nervousness when away from the other person for extended periods of time


Signs it's not a strong spiritual connection

  • Lack of communication that drags out and is hard to re-establish
  • The other person shows interest in more than one person at a time
  • The other person has no problem ignoring contact or keeping distance when things go wrong
  • You get a sense of the other person being cold or cruel to you at times
  • They tend to ignore you when you need them most
  • They are self centered and focus purely on themselves


Blessed Be!

Psychic Sensational!

Tarot - The Lovers (6)

This card is one of my all time favorites. Many people love seeing this card appear in a spread. Of course when we see this card we automatically think of love, romance, marriage and a happy future. But it can mean more than that depending on what we are focusing on. It can also mean self love and healing. In the Celtic Dragon deck it is symbolized by two beautiful dragons, one in the water, a water dragon who cannot live on land and a land dragon, who is leaning over the edge of the river bank to embrace the water dragon with love. It symbolizes that anything is possible with love and the two dragons have found a way to be together under hard circumstances. This tells us that real love survives, and thrives under any circumstance. Don't give up hope as love will overcome all.


I will talk about this card for both singles and couples!


Basic Meanings:



  • Love
  • Harmony
  • Union
  • Marriage
  • Commitment
  • Decisions to be made in regards to love or a relationship
  • Self Love
  • A reconciliation with an ex lover usually within a quick timeframe



  • A time of struggle then healing in a relationship or if you are single a time after a break up to heal and recover
  • A reconciliation if you have split up with someone - however there will be a delay in this and it may take sometime before you are both ready to retry the relationship
  • Can mean obsessive love or addiction to the other person in the relationship. Nothing dangerous per se but look to outside distractions if you are attaching yourself too quickly to another person in your life
  • A power struggle in a relationship that will be overcome in time



If you are asking about your love life in general and this card makes its appearance it shows that a new relationship is quickly coming your way and just around the corner, so prepare yourself! If you have recently split up with someone and you are asking if a reconciliation will take place it may be the case depending on the other cards around it. If it is surrounded by such cards as the Ace of Cups or Wands, yes you will reconcile with your ex lover soon enough. However it vary's given the cards around it. This card can also mean a upcoming marriage in the future ahead or a solid long term commitment if that is what you are pondering on during the reading. In any case it does show good things coming your way!



When this card shows up it is a good omen for future happiness and love. It shows future commitment and long term love. Marriage is coming if  you aren't already committed in this way. It shows that the two of you are on the right path and things are looking positive. If the card is reversed it is simply saying at times you two may have struggles but they are overcome with patience and love. Power struggles give way in the weeks ahead and things will smooth over. Its a very positive card for the two of you and things have a good positive energy around them. You two are a perfect compliment to each other.


Card Combinations

The Lovers, The Ace of Cups and The Star

This combination usually shows up when someone is asking if they will reconcile with an ex. If that is the case the answer is yes as the Ace of Cups does mean new start in love and The Star is a card of hope. If you are doing a general love reading this combo is saying strong new love is on the way and your hopes will be manifested with a great relationship. It is generally the same for couples but the Ace of cups could also be announcing news of pregnancy!


The Lovers, The Devil and The Strength card reversed.

This combination is somewhat more serious. The lovers card and the Devil card are not a good combination, throw in Strength reversed and we have a combination spelling out trouble. It shows someone obsessive and at a sometimes dangerous low. If you have split up with someone, and find yourself depressed, anxious, and obsessive even months after a split, its time to seek out some support. I see this combination many times with clients who can't move on from a relationship even years after a split has taken place. The Strength card is of course obvious in this case, your personal power has been drained and you are emotionally weak. However the Devil card can indicate someone who just won't back off and maybe the cause of the problems. If you find yourself constantly calling or contacting your ex even months after a split, if you have constant psychic readings to see if he is coming back even after you have been told he/she isn't. Its time to take sometime out to look at where you are heading and what can be done to break this addiction to your ex.

Psychic Sensational!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tarot - The Hierophant (5)


The Hierophant or Pope is symbolic of order and morality in our lives.  This card usually is saying that it may be time to make our own decisions or take the advice of someone who has more experience even if we don't like what we hear.  If you draw this card when asking about financial concerns or problems it may be time to seek advice from a financial advisor, bank manager or credit advisor. If this card shows up when you are asking about relationship issues again its saying maybe its time to seek out couples therapy or advice from a spiritual leader or therapist. If you draw this card when looking for answers in regard to a break up or split, it may be good to seek advice elsewhere as this is a time you need extra support. Its time to spiritually renew yourself and work out if you are on the right path.



 Divination Meanings:


  • Use your intuition
  • Exploring new spiritual paths will benefit you at this time
  • Rituals and Routine in our lives
  • People in Authority
  • Protection
  • Learning the secret arts of spiritual talents such as Tarot, Spell Work, Healing and so forth
  • Meditation and Spiritual Work bringing balance
  • Spiritual Advice 
  • Good Outcomes
  • A male figure in our lives who is upright and noble


  • People giving bad advice - Listen to your intuition before you listen to others
  • Hiding the truth out of fear
  • You may be the victim of slander or gossip
  • Don't let your fear crowd your intuition
  • Negative influences
  • Stuck in a bad situation
  • Following a wrong spiritual path

Sunday, September 2, 2007

So Little Time!

I have had no time lately to keep up with my blogs!

It has taken me all this time to get around to writing up on The Emperor card! Almost a month! With work and clients, spellwork and everything else that is going on now days I'm sooooooooo super busy! Things are now back on track though!

Someone recently asked me for a quick anti-debt Spell...this is quite famous but works really well!


Write the following on 7 pieces of toilet paper.... 

"Debts - Misfortune - Bad Luck - Sadness - Poverty"

On the first Saturday of the waning moon... (The first Saturday after the Full Moon)

Flush the paper down the toilet...


Say 9 times:

"As this paper is flushed away so too are the things written on it banished from my life today! An it harm none!"


Do this everyday until the new moon!


Blessed be!


Psychic Sensational!

Tarot - The Emperor (4)

The Emperor card is one card that does tend to confuse people when learning the Tarot. This card doesn't speak to many on a deep level so the presence of the emperor sometimes raises questions as to what it actually *means*.

Some see The Emperor card as a card that represents a person, a man such as the King of Cups or King of Pentacles etc. This isn't usually the case, however it can be if this is how you read your cards. Usually this card represents the hope or desire to control your situation or outcomes. He can also indicate someone in our life who maybe someone who oozes authority such as Fathers, Husbands, Priests, Police officers and so on...usually depending on the question being asked of course lies the answer to this, or if he actually represents anyone per se at all. If this card appears in a general reading or a reading in relation to something you hope will happen it generally does indicate that your goals are about to start manifesting or what you hope will take place, actually will. If this card appears in relation to work or career it can indicate that you will be made an offer by either an older man or a man who you view as an authority in your field or job. When the Emperor appears in your love sector this usually indicates love or affection for an older man or the new hope of meeting an older lover.