The image of a beautiful woman taming and embracing a strong robust lion conjures up images of inner strength and power and this is exactly what The Strength card signifies. When this card makes it's appearance in a spread we are reassured that we have the power and might to overcome all that hinders us, be in emotional, financial, romantic or physical. This card's core meaning is courage and the power we muster that comes from it. It can also mean energy and protection, justice and mercy. I see this card a lot in love readings, reversed usually it indicates to me someone who is so hurt and wounded by the actions of their lover that they no longer feel they can go on. This card always shows up reversed when I read someone who has been the victim of emotional abuse by the one person they love. It saddens me deeply that how others treat us and how their words impact us so harshly that we start to believe we aren't worthy of love or 'their love' and this can be emotionally devastating. The strength card reversed in regards to love spreads usually indicates we have fear of loss, fear of not being loved back and its draining our emotional energy's. When this card is upright it is telling us that no matter what life throws our way we can deal with it, handle it and overcome it with success no matter how down and out we may be! This card shows us that we have the power to overcome all that hinders us, so when you see this card appear in your readings, take heart as its saying what you hope to achieve, and what you want is within your reach and you have the power to take it and make it happen regardless of how you feel now! In regards to career this card indicates you are coming into a time of success and power, possible promotions or raises are coming and you are in the drivers seat! In regards to money this card brings the message in our readings that you will find a way to pay off those debts faster than you hope, debts are repaid, you get out of debt, finances become strong and a financial break through is on the way, if you are asking if money is coming...yes it is! It may also show you buying or selling a house or property soon or within the upcoming months ahead. As far as health and healing, this card indicates a time of healing taking place, serious illnesses are overcome, healing takes place and your health is restored. If this card is reversed, it is saying, slow down, rest, rejuvenate!
Basic Meanings
- Courage
- Debts repaid/paid off
- Finances become stronger
- Money Saved
- Increase financially
- Strength - Inner and physical
- Overcoming problems by drawing on our inner courage and strength
- Love
- Mercy
- Compassion
- Power
- Self help
- Empowerment
- Healing
- Health
- Overcoming health problems
- Power misused or abused
- Lack of will power
- Feelings of not being good enough
- Lack of self confidence
- Gossip
- Using other people by abusing their vulnerabilities
- Lack of energy
- Fear
- Losing energy from lack of focus or no direction in life
- Emotional pain from a break up or divorce
- Past hurt that lingers and drains emotional strength
- Victim of domestic abuse or emotional abuse