Monday, October 8, 2007

The Wheel of Fortune - Card 10

When this card appears in your spread upright its like winning the Tarot Lotto! I love this card! It's meaning is rich in all things positive and great! When this card appears you can bet things are going to turn out great, success will be yours, and what you hope will manifest...

In a love reading this card can mean there is a strong spiritual connection and the relationship will, depending on surrounding cards grow and prosper!

As far as reversed meanings go I don't feel there are any as this card is a very very fortunate one, however to me it just shows a small delay in outcome of what we hope or as asking...


General Meanings

Upright Meanings

  • Good Luck
  • Good Fortune
  • Effortless Success
  • Success in General
  • Positive Change
  • Unexpected winnings
  • Success in exams
  • Promotions
  • Unexpected wealth
  • Spiritual Ties in relationships
  • Fate


If your reading is in relation to ....


Take a chance as things are going to turn in your favor! A promotion or new job is on the way! If you are worried about losing your job, don't be ..! Things are safe and will only get better!


This card appears when its time to take a chance! Invest in stocks or bonds, sell them, buy them, whatever you are thinking about just do it! IT will succeed! It's also time to start that new business you are thinking about!


It's time to take a chance and make some effort! If you are single, get out, be more new people....your soulmate is on the way! If you are married, spice things up a bit and spend more quality time with your partner! If you are asking about a current relationship with the cards, its also saying, things will work out... but make more effort to get things back on track! You can't go wrong.

Friday, October 5, 2007

In the news...Anna Nicole Smith

Some clients have recently asked me what I think of the whole Anna Nicole Smith mess...encouraging me to write about it when I got time.

I have found it interesting to see the outcome of the whole Anna Nicole Smith disaster since her death last year....I had read Anna Nicole's cards over 2 years ago and have to say I never seen her death coming. I did see disaster around her as far as her son, however that being said I did see her enslavement for lack of a better word to Howard K Stern. I think that's the only word I can come up with at the moment ... I don't actually mean that she was his slave, however from what I seen on the cards, he did have her trapped and controlled. Her laziness was her downfall as she hated having to do anything herself, so she relied on others too heavily, hence this allowed Howard K Stern to 'trap' her so to speak.  The energy that I pick up around this man is dark and pretty negative...toxic I feel is a better word. It's my own opinion that in the beginning he had made her many false promises of gaining the inheritance of her late husband. Which I knew she would never see...and neither will her daughter. They will not win the fight for that money.  I also picked up from the past cards around Anna Nicole that she had been a source of manipulation in the past as well, even though I do feel sorry for her due to her bad state of affairs and pitiful existence she had set herself up for this huge huge fall. Karma also does play a role in outcomes in our lives and the fact reported by her husbands associates and nurses that she had so badly mistreated her dying husband at times came back harshly to attack her.  When I heard the news that Larry Birkhead claimed to be the father I instantly knew it to be true. I never for a split second believed it to be Howard K Stern. I also knew that Larry Birkhead would end up pawning this poor child off onto the covers of any magazine he could and that he would end up in tie with Howard K Stern. I would also like to note that in the cards I have drawn in regards to Howard K Sterns lawsuit against Rita Cosby and her Publisher, he won't succeed. I don't see him winning this case, even though I'm sure this money hungry creep would like nothing more, he won't. I don't feel that anyone will pay for the death of her son either, but I do personally believe that Stern again was a factor in this boy having drugs in his system. I remember seeing on the news sometime back how Howard K stern made a statement how he wouldn't leave Anna and Daniel in the Bahamas' ... This isn't because he feels some attachment to them and doesn't want to leave them alone, it's a ploy to manipulate the media into thinking he is genuine in his mourning status. I don't buy this at all. My skin crawls when I see pictures of this man, his eyes have a dark bad glaring energy.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Hermit - Card 9

This card comes up for me often when reading people with commitment issues but it's also a card that signifies a time to withdraw, learn and reflect. It can also mean a time to dwell on our own spiritual path or a time for advancement in learning and education. This card sometimes can mean to be cautious however I rarely see that message with the card. The card usually is depicted by an old man at the front of a cave, about to withdraw into it to learn and focus on inner talents and issues. In the Celtic Dragon Deck its pictured by a dragon at the mouth of a cave, reading a book withdrawn to take in knowledge and learn what to do next.  As I said this card comes up a lot with people who are having commitment issues, I think this is a personal interpretation as I have never seen anyone else view the card this way. But it usually is very on track when it does show up in this type of reading. If I'm reading someone who doesn't make much effort in a relationship or has commitment issues the hermit comes up for me...To me it signifies someone who withdraws rather than puts himself/herself on the line. Will not open up emotionally very easily and doesn't like to talk about how he/she feels or what they really want. It also for me signifies a person who can go quiet for days, weeks or months without contact and then pop up out of the blue for no explainable reason. I also see this card as representing someone who doesn't make the first move in a relationship unless they are 100% sure its what they want, they can be hot one minutes and then cold the next.


General Upright Meanings

  • Be Cautious and careful make wise choices.
  • Take the safe bet/Choice don't take risks at this time.
  • Learning.
  • Education.
  • Withdrawing - Taking time out to learn or focus on yourself.
  • Someone who doesn't jump the gun or make sudden moves. Tends to withdraw rather than open up and talk about how they feel - Someone who goes quiet for no reason and then makes contact when they feel they are ready.

 General Reversed Meanings

  • Refusing to learn from past mistakes
  • Lack of Knowledge
  • Withdrawing from a situation you need to face.
  • Failure to pass a test or exam due to lack of prep/study.
  • Not facing responsibility
  • Not finishing what you start
  • Projects started then left unfinished and this is a block to your success and advancement.


If this card appears in your.....

Finance sector

Focus on saving, learning how to save or invest. Don't waste the money you have. If you are asking if money is coming your way, the answer is yes but don't waste it as it is too hard to get.


Love/Romance Sector

You may need to retreat to work out what you want. If this card appears in relation to a man, it usually means they are withdrawn and find it hard to open up about how they really feel. This card does mean that things will work out, but for now, retreat, back off and let things develop on their own.


Health Sector

Focus on your health issues and try and work out where they are coming from.  Are they self inflicted? If so work out how to banish the habits that cause them.


 Career Sector

Success is within your reach! Step back, analyze and will see what needs to be done. You need to withdraw a little to work out what path to take and how to solve the problem that faces you. You will succeed.