When this card appears in your spread upright its like winning the Tarot Lotto! I love this card! It's meaning is rich in all things positive and great! When this card appears you can bet things are going to turn out great, success will be yours, and what you hope will manifest...
In a love reading this card can mean there is a strong spiritual connection and the relationship will, depending on surrounding cards grow and prosper!
As far as reversed meanings go I don't feel there are any as this card is a very very fortunate one, however to me it just shows a small delay in outcome of what we hope or as asking...
General Meanings
Upright Meanings
- Good Luck
- Good Fortune
- Effortless Success
- Success in General
- Positive Change
- Unexpected winnings
- Success in exams
- Promotions
- Unexpected wealth
- Spiritual Ties in relationships
- Fate
If your reading is in relation to ....
Take a chance as things are going to turn in your favor! A promotion or new job is on the way! If you are worried about losing your job, don't be ..! Things are safe and will only get better!
This card appears when its time to take a chance! Invest in stocks or bonds, sell them, buy them, whatever you are thinking about just do it! IT will succeed! It's also time to start that new business you are thinking about!
It's time to take a chance and make some effort! If you are single, get out, be more adventurous...meet new people....your soulmate is on the way! If you are married, spice things up a bit and spend more quality time with your partner! If you are asking about a current relationship with the cards, its also saying, things will work out... but make more effort to get things back on track! You can't go wrong.