This card is a fast action get ready to move and get things done card! It's highly symbolic of traveling and can mean an upcoming trip, new car or things finally shifting into gear and happening. It's a very positive card to have arrive in your spread! If you have been stuck in a rut and this card appears it signifies things really starting to move and you will soon be back on track! If this card manifests in when you are looking into a work related problem it's showing you success is on the way in either a promotion or raise, increase and favor in your work place. Success is yours! If you are asking about love, things are on a good path and look to work out as you hope! In regards to health, healing will take place! This card indicates speed and things moving along fast to manifest your goals and dreams. However if surrounded by swords, it can indicate a time for you to slow down and relax...smell the roses! If surrounded by cups or wands, good luck in Love is coming your way and if surrounded by more pentacles than other cards, financial good luck and prosperity is in your future!
Basic Meanings
- Overcoming problems or trouble
- Finally getting a break in life after a string of bad luck
- Victory
- Success
- Reaching your goals quickly and easily
- Your hopes and dreams coming to fruition
- Travel
- Cars & Driving
- Overcoming a problem that has been a long term problem
- Healing
- Success in business, exams, and tests
- Success delayed but still coming
- A problem soon to be overcome after some delay
- Delay in success or reaching goals
- A feeling of being stuck or in a rut
- Envy
Blessed Be!