I thought I would blog about the recent books my clients have told me about and are having good success with....
Some I have read in which case I will comment on and others I will soon check out as well!
How to get everything you ever wanted is the BEST book on creating things in your life and attracting what you want...It beats The Secret by miles in ease of practice and is just 6 simple steps. The Author talks about how she manifested a New Jeep in a matter of days and then went on to fix her financial issues just as easy! Great reading and easy to follow!
I haven't read this book as yet but will do as I have had great feedback about it...!
Creative Visualization is a GREAT book.......its easy to understand and easy to follow and it brings great results quickly!
This isn't a book but actually a meditation CD - Great for people who have problems staying focused and concentrating while doing creative visualization sessions or during meditations. Aids in bring results fast! Manifest what you want in life easily using this CD once a day!
I recommend this book before The Secret as it gets to the point without the hype. Not to mention without the recent fraud issues tied to the secret's contributors in Australia... Check it out!
Blessed Be!
Psychic Sensational!