Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tarot - The Empress (3)

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of The Empress card is pregnancy and fertility! The beautiful image of a woman who is pregnant and happy has so much more meaning and symbology than just that...The Empress card also heralds new beginnings, healing, new love, love for the long term and yes new birth. But of course new birth doesn't just mean babies, it can announce a upcoming new job, home or venture. This card can also mean Goddess Qualities manifesting in our lives and being.  There really is no 'reversed' or negative aspects to this card even though I have listed a few meanings here... a reversed Empress usually just means in general a delay in things hoped for or predicted. Some people believe it can mean a difficult pregnancy however this isn't always the case, it can mean however (if you are pregnant) a very overdue baby!


Divinatory Meanings:


  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Happy Marriage and growing love that will be long term and stable
  • Creativity
  • Healing
  • A new project or Job
  • New ventures which will grow and prosper
  • Prosperity
  • Goddess qualities developing in ones life: Psychism, Attunement to wicca/magic, Clairvoyance, Healing, and Universal Love.


  • A delay in all the above upright meanings.
  • Outcomes Delayed but only slightly.
  • Overdue childbirth.
  • Difficult pregnancy (see card combination notes)
  • Lack of creativity.
  • Spiritual Blockage - You need to open yourself up more to spiritual growth such as meditation or universal love/energy work.


Card Combinations

The Empress, The Ace of cups/wands or pentacles and any of the following: The Star, The Sun, The 10 of cups, Any page card.

The above combo heralds a pregnancy! Simple as that. Once you see the above combination in any order or place within a spread it usually does indicate a pregnancy either for yourself or linked to anyone focused on during the reading.

If the person you are asking about is a man or someone else asking about say, a ex lover and a Female court card is present (such as  a Queen or Princess) this usually means that the 'ex' now has a pregnant girlfriend or wife....OR the person you are asking about has around them a pregnant woman who has a significant place in their life. Of course it can also mean depending on the question that it may be the questioner herself that is pregnant or hoping to be.

The Empress, The 3 of Pentacles (or any pentacle card) and The Sun

This combination shows a new project or opportunity that will bring wealth or great success to you. The 3 of pentacles usually indicates profit from something you enjoy usually the arts or hobbies... however this combination in general heralds great prospects and new opportunities that will really pay off!

The Empress (reversed), Any Sword card (except a King, Knight or Queen) and any wand card reversed.

This combo does indicate a difficult pregnancy *however* it usually means a delayed or overdue birth with no real problems. These cards aren't saying anything horrid will go wrong but you will have to spend quite a bit of time resting up and taking care of yourself to avoid problems.  If this combination comes up in relation to questions on pregnancy it doesn't mean anything will be wrong with the baby. This isn't to be treated as a diagnoses and you should seek out medical advice if you are worried something is wrong before reading the cards..



To Be Continued!........................

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tarot - The High Priestess (2)



The High Priestess in most decks is  a representation of a beautiful woman sitting on a throne adorned with opulent robes and the symbol of the moon under her left foot.  This card is ruled by the Moon and symbolizes hidden feelings, actions and thoughts. It can also signify our relationship with our subconscious mind. This card is urging us to use our secret knowledge, go beyond what we know and reach out to learn what we need. When this card appears in a reading it also can be revealing to us that there is hidden knowledge or secrets in regard to the question being asked and now isn' t the time for the answer to come but it will in it's right time.  When this card shows in a reading relating to our inner selves or our spirituality it can be telling us to focus and learn as much as we can about ourselves and our inner power, that we need to reach beyond our fear to become attuned to our intuition.

 Divination Meanings:


  • Use your intuition
  • Hidden Secrets yet to be reveled
  • Female influences at work
  • Protection
  • Learning the secret arts of spiritual talents such as Tarot, Spell Work, Healing and so forth
  • Meditation and Spiritual Work bringing balance
  • Perfect Balance
  • Good Outcomes on the way
  • Use your inner power to create what you want and need


  • Hidden lies or deceit yet to be revealed
  • Hiding the truth out of fear
  • Ignoring the pain from the past rather than accepting it, releasing it and allowing ourselves to heal
  • Don't let your fear crowd your intuition
  • Negative influences that we aren't acknowledging
  • Stuck in a bad situation
  • Hidden influence usually coming from a female


To be continued!..............

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Manifestation & Attraction Reading List!

I thought I would blog about the recent books my clients have told me about and are having good success with....

Some I have read in which case I will comment on and others I will soon check out as well!



How to get everything you ever wanted is the BEST book on creating things in your life and attracting what you want...It beats The Secret by miles in ease of practice and is just 6 simple steps. The Author talks about how she manifested a New Jeep in a matter of days and then went on to fix her financial issues just as easy! Great reading and easy to follow!


I haven't read this book as yet but will do as I have had great feedback about it...!


Creative Visualization is a GREAT book.......its easy to understand and easy to follow and it brings great results quickly!

This isn't a book but actually a meditation CD - Great for people who have problems staying focused and concentrating while doing creative visualization sessions or during meditations. Aids in bring results fast! Manifest what you want in life easily using this CD once a day!

I recommend this book before The Secret as it gets to the point without the hype. Not to mention without the recent fraud issues tied to the secret's contributors in Australia... Check it out!



Blessed Be!

Psychic Sensational!




Aromatherapy Magic - Magical Essential Oils 101 - Part 1

One of my favorite forms of Earth Magic is Scent Magic... I classify it as Earth Magic because the flowers and plants have come from the earth ... It's an easy way to connect spiritually to the Earth and also adds the element of Earth to your spells!


A great resource for Aromatherapy Magic is 'Magical Aromatherapy' By Scott Cunningham! This is a great book listing hundreds of scents and their powers! It also has easy instructions on how to practice this magic.


A great basic 'Starter Kit' for Magical Aromatherapy would contain the following oils...ALWAYS use Essential oils so they are linked to the earth and avoid fake fragrance oil like the devil!


Lemongrass: Cleansing, Hex Breaking, Increasing Psychic Awareness, Healing, Banishing & Energy (Be careful about anointing the skin with this oil unless You use a unscented lotion or oil as a base)

Rose: This essential oil is usually very very expensive however you can buy it premixed which usually does lower the cost but doesn't ruin the scent or power. Used for Love, Beauty, Peace, Healing and Attracting Men.

Lavender: This oil is by far the most popular oil by far! It's great for healing, psychic protection (I use this daily when doing readings and afterward to energize myself) Love and Peace.

Clove: This oil is super super strong and NOT to be used on the skin at all! and never in the bath. This oil is great for oil burners or sachets. Increases wealth, brings new clients/customers and increases money in general. Also great for success. Also good to rid a house of negative energy. Simply put 9 cloves in a old frying pan or pot, heat it up until they start to smoke and walk around the house anti-clockwise to rid the house of unwanted entities or energy's. Works fast! Make sure to open the windows as the scent of this method is strong.

Cinnamon: Again this oil which is great for bringing money or love is to be avoided totally when you want to anoint the skin..Do NOT do it! use only on candles, in incense , in oil burners and in spell sachets. It's incredibly strong! Heat some water in a oil burner and add 9 drops while visualizing money coming to you, burn everyday from the new moon to full moon to keep a constant supply of cash coming your way! Works fast! If your desire is love, visualize love coming your way instead!

Lime: This oil is great for cleansing negative energy and creating a energy field around you to protect you from psychic attacks. This can be dabbed on the wrists, ankles, your third eye and your chest.  Dab on lightly! This Oil is also great for cleansing a room. Burn in a oil burner or fill a spray bottle with mineral water and add 9 drops of oil. Spray around the room but do NOT spray on furniture or walls.

Patchouli: A classic scent for attracting love, lust and money. This is great again to use in a oil burner or on candles for spellcraft. When smelling this great earthy scent visualize money or love coming to you.. Personally This oil reminds me of money as the scent does actually smell somewhat like money itself! I visualize my purse overflowing with cash and paying all bills on time...this has never let me down yet! Also its great to just anoint green candles and sit meditating on cash and wealth coming your way! This oil is thicker than most essential oils and has a brown hue to it... you can safely use a tiny bit on the skin but it can be sticky.

Sandalwood: This is a long time favorite of Witches world wide! Use this oil for lust or protection. It has a sensual sexy kind of smell and is great to add to lust and love rituals. Anoint the pulse points of the body to increase passion and desire. It is also a great 'multi purpose' oil for when you can't find the right oil for spell work... then use sandalwood!

Rosemary: Another great 'all purpose' oil. Used for just about every need under the sun! or moon! It is great also for aiding in study habits and learning as it increases the memory! It has been long believed that Rosemary will aid in remembrance and increasing intelligence! Use this oil on a red candle to increase your lovers thoughts of you and keep you in their memory daily!

To Be Continued.......


Psychic Sensational!

Copyright - Psychic Sensational 2007





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Tarot - The Magician (1)

One of my favorite cards in The Tarot is the Magician...This card is a card of strength and power, its powerful message is that you can create and manifest whatever you want in life...with effort and your own inner power all can be accomplished and manifested.  This card also shows that you are or about to do what needs to be done. Taking action is also signified by this card. If this card shows up in a spread in relation to someone else you are asking about, it may mean they are a person with a powerful personality, someone who gets things done or someone who is very forceful by nature, sometimes overbearing or hard to deal with. It can also signify a person who tends to be creative. If this card shows up in a spread when you are asking about the outcome of a goal or dream, the answer here is a strong yes! You will gain this goal or hope because you will pursue it until you get it! This is a very positive card by nature as it's encouraging us to take things forward no matter how hard it may seem.



Basic Interpretation:



  • Power to change the material world and manifest your goals and dreams with effort.
  • You will succeed in gaining what you hope.
  • Creativity .
  • You will gain success through hard work and effort.
  • Great wealth is possible.
  • Focus on your creative talents.
  • Someone will aid you in your goals.
  • What you hope for has the potential if you stay focused and positive.
  • If you are working on magical, Creative Visualization or Spell work to achieve a goal or hope , it will manifest swiftly and safely.


  • You are holding yourself back from your goals and dreams.
  • Make plans and stick to them to achieve what you hope.
  • Your hope or goal will manifest but it will be delayed slightly.
  • Magic or spellcraft may be a factor in your present circumstances: If negative take steps to cleanse yourself.
  • If linked with a male or female court card that is reversed (King or Queen) someone is either deliberately or unknowingly sending negativity your way usually just thoughts or projecting their negative attitude on you. (this may be spell work but its rare) Take steps to cleanse yourself now!
  • Your fear overcomes your intuition and inner power!
  • You hold yourself back due to fear of failure when you would/will succeed if you try and keep up effort.
  • A lazy person.
  • A person who tends to use people rather than do things themselves.
  • Magic and Spell work - Negative (Usually when the Devil Card is also present - Very Rare)


Some Card Combinations with the Magician

The Magician, The Sun and the Wheel

A powerful trinity of cards that usually indicates a successful outcome to a goal or hope. It can also mean success is coming after a long trial or hard fight. The wheel indicates that this was something that was meant to be yours and success is going to crown you.

The Magician Reversed, (Any) Queen or King and the Devil.

  • The Magician Reversed with the Devil card: Negative Spellwork, Curses, Negativity in general, Evil, Negative people & Enemies.
  • The Queen or King card indicates the person behind the attack or negativity to begin with.

This combination is rare to see in most readings, however I have seen it often dealing with spiritual and psychic attack victims. It usually indicates that either negative spell work has been done or will be done, and/or a psychic attack is underway. I can't stress enough that this is rare and if it does show up it may just mean that you are under strong stress and surrounded by negative people. It doesn't always mean spell work or curses. If you aren't involved with others who are strongly linked with the occult , it most likely means that you are picking up negativity from people who you don't get along with. Do a self cleansing, buy a protective oil such as Lemongrass and smell this visualizing a strong shield around you. Mix 3 drops with salt and any lemon scented shower gel and scrub yourself in the shower visualizing the negativity leaving you going down the drain. This will usually get rid of any day to day build up of negativity.

The Magician, The 8 of Pentacles and The Hermit

You will be successful in any future study or learning. This trio of cards also shows that you may undertake study in the future that will advance your career. The hermit card here with the other two cards indicates that you will need to 'take time out' for yourself in the future to focus on your goals but it will be a total success! If you are thinking of returning to school or worried about a test and these cards come up don't be! They scream success!


The Magician Card Meditation

This card is great to sit and meditate on to help increase your inner power, self confidence and magical energy! If you feel you lack the motivation to achieve a goal or wish. Sit quietly by the light of a gold candle, burn some lemon incense (symbolizes the moon) and look at the Magician card. Focus on your goal as you ponder on the details of the card. Imagine yourself full of strength and potential, see yourself gaining your goal and succeeding. Imagine a gold light streaming into you and empowering you. Do this daily if you wish or only once to aid you in recharging your energies!


Blessed be!

Psychic Sensational!

Copyright - Psychic Sensational 2007